David Lugard
Write A Catalyst
Published in
2 min readApr 23, 2024


DRIVING YOUR PURPOSE: A feature of becoming who you intend to become.

Photo by Randalyn Hill on Unsplash.

Driving your purpose refers to the act of actively pursuing and living out your passions and values. It means committing to a path in life that aligns with your deepest beliefs and motivations, and taking action to make a positive impact.

When you drive your purpose, you are living a life that is meaningful and fulfilling. You are contributing to something larger than yourself, whether it's through your work, your relationships, or your hobbies.

There are several key elements to driving your purpose:

  1. Self-awareness: Knowing yourself, your values, and your strengths is essential for finding your purpose.
    - Courage: Pursuing your purpose often requires courage, as it may involve taking risks and stepping outside your comfort zone.
  2. Action: Purpose is meaningless without action. You need to take steps towards your goals and do the work to make your vision a reality.
  3. Resilience: Overcoming challenges and setbacks is an essential part of driving your purpose. You need to be resilient and persistent in the face of obstacles.
  4. Connection: Connecting with others who share your values and passions can help you stay motivated and inspired.
    In addition to the individual elements of driving your purpose, it’s important to remember the larger context in which you’re working. Your purpose is not just about your personal goals and aspirations - it’s also about contributing to a better world.

Warren believes that everyone has a unique purpose, and that this purpose is not just about personal happiness or success, but also about making a difference in the world. He emphasizes the importance of discovering your individual gifts and talents and using them to serve others.

Some ways to consider the larger context of your purpose include:

  1. Social responsibility: Thinking about how your actions impact others and society at large.
  2. Environmental sustainability: Considering how your choices affect the planet and its resources.
  3. Cultural sensitivity: Being aware of and respectful of different cultures and values.
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