Edit Like A Beast: A Walkthrough of Hemingway Editor

Phillip Longmire
Write A Catalyst
Published in
4 min readMar 7, 2024


Man editing a paper with birds coming out as he edits
Created By Author Phillip Longmire. All Rights Reserved

How much time do you spend editing your writing?

I used to think that if a Word document said it was good, it was.

That is, until I realized it wasn’t.

Editing with Hemingway transformed my writing and perspective on the craft.

I needed to eliminate adverbs, passive voice, and poorly structured sentences.

This tool lets you quickly see where all these things lurk in your writing. Plus…it’s FREE.

I recently learned that the average writer spends 30% of their time editing, often without enhancing readability.

We need to change this.

I’ll walk you through some elements of Hemingway and show you how to use this powerful editing tool.


Hemingway highlights lengthy sentences and common errors, streamlining editing.”

This would include

  • GE (Grade equivalent)
  • Adverbs
  • Passive sentences
  • Difficult words
  • Difficult sentences

So, let’s break these down. Starting with GE

