**Endless Love**

Parth Upadhyay
Write A Catalyst
Published in
Aug 4, 2024
Credit : https://pixabay.com/photos/road-sunset-backlighting-landscape-2952039/

Your smile, a sunrise in my day,
Chasing all the clouds away.
With every touch, my heartbeats race,
In your arms, I’ve found my place.

Under moonlit skies, our spirits soar,
Each kiss leaves me wanting more.
Together, we create a symphony,
Love’s sweet song, just you and me.

In your gaze, the world feels right,
You’re my star on the darkest night.
Every moment spent with you,
Turns the old into the new.

Hand in hand, we face the tide,
With you, there’s nothing left to hide.
Endless love, our hearts in sync,
Forevermore, our souls will link.

#EndlessLove #RomanticMoments #HeartfeltConnections #ForeverTogether

