Engineering Marvels: Evolution of Tower Construction Techniques

Jason Toh
Write A Catalyst
Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2024
Photo by Anthony DELANOIX on Unsplash

More than a century ago, in the United States, the construction of a towering edifice commenced.

However, when the structure had reached one-third of its intended height, engineers encountered a significant setback: the foundation had sunk by over a meter and leaned to one side. Faced with the prospect of yet another leaning tower, engineers decided to excavate the excess soft soil from the base, allowing the stone tower to regain its verticality. Subsequently, they dug several tunnels underneath and filled them with concrete before securing the tower’s foundation with massive buttresses. This meticulous approach paved the way for the successful completion of a 169-meter high tower. Nonetheless, traditional stone materials imposed limitations on building taller structures.

In response to these constraints, French engineers proposed a revolutionary idea: constructing towers with steel. Thousands of metal bars riveted together formed various sections, which were then assembled into four colossal supports and connected by a platform. A massive metallic spire was subsequently assembled atop the platform. As the iron tower ascended, construction complexities increased significantly. To address this challenge, engineers devised a novel method: prefabricating tower components in factories and transporting them to the construction site as needed. Steam-powered winches and cranes hoisted these massive components onto the tower. At the tower’s zenith, two cranes were joined back-to-back to balance their weights, while jacks lifted the cranes as the tower height increased. Upon the completion of the iron tower, engineers ingeniously repurposed the crane tracks into elevator rails, thereby creating the tallest structure of the 19th century: the 312-meter-tall Eiffel Tower.

Photo by Masrur Rahman on Unsplash

With advancements in industrial capabilities, Chinese engineers embarked on a mission to create a distinctive tower. To ensure the stability of the foundation, engineers excavated multiple vertical shafts around it, each ranging from 30 to 50 meters deep. These shafts were reinforced with concrete rings at intervals to prevent soil collapse. Upon reaching bedrock, concrete was used to fill and secure the shafts before encasing them with a massive concrete ring. Additionally, to ensure the tower’s safety, a hollow concrete column was constructed at its center, accommodating elevators and staircases. Furthermore, the tower required the installation of five modules, including equipment rooms and observation decks. Surrounding the tower, 24 steel columns were erected to provide structural support. To address the issue of a tapered design prone to bending, engineers embedded 46 sets of steel rings within the steel columns, with additional reinforcements at the narrowest sections, ensuring the tower’s stability.

Comprising over 4,000 distinct components, each level’s metallic elements were assembled by cranes before workers meticulously welded them together, forming a seamless steel framework. The construction techniques for the tower’s spire drew inspiration from the Eiffel Tower. As the tower continued its ascent, engineers tackled challenges posed by strong winds, which could induce spiral vortexes and sway the structure. The irregular and twisted shape of the tower effectively disrupted these vortices, reducing sway. Additionally, the exterior lattice structure aided in dissipating these forces, rendering the tower impervious to even category 12 typhoons.

Photo by Bruce Hong on Unsplash

In the event of a fire within the tower, a high-performance ventilation system within the central hollow column would circulate clean, cool air while expelling smoke through designated safety channels, ensuring clear evacuation routes. Furthermore, engineers incorporated three refuge levels within the tower, providing occupants with safe havens while awaiting rescue. Through incremental technological breakthroughs, China’s first 600-meter-tall tower, the Guangzhou Tower, was completed, marking a remarkable feat in the evolution of tower construction techniques.



Jason Toh
Write A Catalyst

Writer on mindset, life, self-improvement, psychology, mental health, science, storytelling and etc