Fight against heartburn

Denis Sab
Write A Catalyst
Published in
2 min readMar 27, 2024
Photo by Matteo Vistocco on Unsplash

Hello. Off, off. I started the day with an unpleasant and painful feeling of heartburn, again. Due to a large meal last night, full of fatty and spicy foods it seems, they are making their effects known.

My stomach felt like a small volcano ready to erupt at any moment. I tried to breathe deeply and control my discomfort until breakfast.

After a few sips of milk and a slice of toast, the burning seemed to subside a bit. My wife came into the kitchen and noticed my strained and pained expression.

— Are you feeling well, my dear? Do you have burns again?” she asked me worriedly.

— Unfortunately yes. I shouldn’t have eaten so many spicy steaks last night.”

— I told you to be moderate, but as usual, you don’t listen. Do you want me to get you some medicine to calm the acidity and stomach pain, you will recover faster and maybe next time you will be more frugal too, you know what about you?

— I nodded resignedly. He brought me the pills and a glass of water. After I took them, it was like I felt a slight relief, they say so, but the pain was still there.

— You should also drink some milk, it calms the heartburn a little. She suggested.

I followed his advice and felt a little better after that milk. All day I avoided fatty, fried, or overly spicy foods and drank lots of water and soothing teas. In the evening, the burning had partially returned, so I took another pill.

I woke up with no more burning this morning, but I know that I have to be more careful with my diet to prevent new unpleasant episodes.

For lunch, I had a light salad with grilled chicken and lots of fresh vegetables. In the evening I totally avoided heavy or spicy food.

Going forward, I will try to be more moderate with foods known to trigger heartburn and frequently take zinc supplements and ginger extract, which seem to calm the acidity.

I hope I don’t have hard days like Monday anymore. This burning problem is really excruciating.

