Final Decision Regarding Medium Partner Program Revocation

Write A Catalyst
Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2024

Hello dear friends. I promised to come back with an answer when I received it from Medium’s support team. Unfortunately, I can’t do anything to recover my account because, as I expected, I received that inhuman message from a bot and not from a real person who verified whether my account indeed violated those terms and conditions.

Photo by author

Those of you who have read my posts and commented over time could see that my commitment was genuine, and I never intended to deceive the system or inflate my earnings. If the sum of $80.81 is an inflated amount from inauthentic interactions, then honestly, I don’t know what to believe anymore. Maybe if I had earned thousands of dollars, then I might believe they are right, but in this case, it’s not a valid argument.

photo by author

I want to thank everyone who encouraged and supported me in this endeavor; thank you from the bottom of my heart for your time and everything you’ve done for me by believing in me. I don’t know what I will do from now on; I am disappointed with the decision made by Medium.

I promise that if I return to the platform in the future with a new account, you will be the first to know, but for now, I will take a break. I’ve concluded that Medium does not appreciate our work and the emotions we share with our readers enough. Unfortunately, we are treated like robots, not humans.

For those remaining, I wish you much success moving forward and hope you never have to go through what I’m going through now!

