Samreen Akhtar 🌴
Write A Catalyst
Published in
2 min readApr 28, 2024


First Impression is the Last Impression: A Tale of Unforeseen Consequences

Step 1: Introduction

Introduce the protagonist, Emily, a young woman starting her first day at a prestigious law firm.

Establish the importance of first impressions in her field and in life.

Step 2: Preparation

Describe Emily's meticulous preparation for her first day, from selecting the perfect outfit to rehearsing her introduction in front of the mirror.

Highlight her nerves and excitement as she heads to the office.

Step 3: Arrival

Paint a picture of Emily's arrival at the firm, her heart pounding with anticipation.

Describe her encounter with her new colleagues and her efforts to make a positive impression.

Step 4: The Mistake

Detail a small mistake Emily makes during a meeting, perhaps a misinterpretation of a legal term or a misplaced document.

Show how her colleagues react, some with understanding, others with skepticism.

Step 5: Doubt and Second-Guessing

Illustrate Emily's growing doubt and insecurity as she reflects on her mistake.

Describe her struggle to regain her confidence and prove herself to her colleagues.

Step 6: Redemption

Show Emily's determination to learn from her mistake and improve her performance.

Highlight her efforts to seek feedback, ask questions, and excel in her work.

Step 7: Recognition

Describe how Emily's hard work and dedication begin to pay off, earning her recognition and respect from her colleagues.

Show how her initial mistake becomes a distant memory as she proves herself capable and competent.

Step 8: Conclusion

Conclude the story with Emily reflecting on her journey and the valuable lesson she learned about the importance of first impressions.

Emphasize that while first impressions are significant, they are not always definitive, and it is our actions over time that truly define us.

Thanks for reading 😌

