Forget the Jobs vs. Passion Debate.

Write A Catalyst
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2024

Here’s how to win.

Stuck in a career crossroads? Eager to find your calling?

Look within. It's already in you. AI generated from Jolly.Creator

Steve Jobs championed passion, while Mark Cuban swears by effort.

So who's right ?

Imagine pouring your heart into a field you adore, but lacking the skills to thrive. Frustrating, right? Conversely, picture diligently honing skills in a field that leaves you uninspired. Yawn!

Now, what if the answer lies somewhere in between?

Ditch the "either/or" mentality. Embrace exploration - the key to unlocking your potential!

Dive into different fields, hone valuable skills, and discover hidden interests. Meanwhile, that passion fuels the drive to keep learning and growing.

Don't just chase rainbows, learn to fly!

Go for a career that ignites your excitement (passion!), but also lets you excel through hard work and learning (effort!).

Now, here’s how to find it:

  • Explore Like a Curious Kid: Volunteer, take online courses, shadow professionals in different fields. Spark your curiosity and discover hidden talents!
  • Befriend Effort: Developing valuable skills takes dedication. Embrace challenges, seek feedback, and celebrate every step of your learning journey. Effort can unlock passions you never knew existed.
  • Fuel Your Passion: Don’t be afraid to experiment! Passion often ignites when you least expect it. Explore personal projects or volunteer work related to your developing interests.

To sum up:


Most of all, remember to go for what energizes you!

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And thank you for reading! Until next post.

Your Jolly.Creator

