From a Baby To ‘Boss’ Writer — 10 Tiny Tweaks To Grow (Up)
If you ever wished for the fast track to brilliance, here’s the list.
They say overnight, but nothing happens overnight.
The writer whose writing you are drooling over now was once an awful, diaper-shitting baby writer. And it all happened little by little, word by word for them, as it will happen for you.
But one thing is true—it all starts with small tweaks — that one keeps making to make the work shine some more every time.
Now, before you get to the list, let me tell you that it’s a mixed bag.
On the one hand, it will liberate you to write more and break some barriers… like asking you to change from stiched-to-the-skin-kinda tight jeans to breezy pajamas.
On the other hand, it will have some big, uncomfortable asks, too…that may be difficult to let go or outright ‘awkward.’
Up for it?
Start with zero baggage.
If you want to run fast, shed all.
You have no one to prove. Don’t start with the baggage to be brilliant from day 1. Give yourself the freedom to write just the way you want to. That’s the only way you will discover the true writer in you.