From Lembata to the City: The Fighting Spirit of Students from Eastern Indonesia

A Struggle Beyond Academics

Yogi Mulyana
Write A Catalyst


They are my new friends, my new family, the generation that the fighters once dreamed of. (Photo by author)

For many, access to equal education is still difficult to come by. Yet, in this struggle lies a fighting spirit that deserves admiration from everyone.

Today, I want to share a precious story about someone who has fought hard to secure their right to an equal education. A person with dark skin; is often unfairly judged as a criminal by the government and society at large.

This is my friend — a warrior, a role model for his people, fighting to free his generation from an unequal educational system. Without any help from a government that constantly strangles us with its taxes!

The Journey of a Student from Eastern Indonesia

Last weekend, an old friend of mine asked me to be a speaker at a training session for a group of students.

His name is Idris, a student who has come from a distant island. It takes days for him to reach his college. Now he lives in the same city as I do, living a modest life.

What sets him apart is his relentless determination to pursue his dreams through education. That fighting spirit is what makes me respect him deeply.



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