A Strange Case for Time Travel

Chris McDonough☘️
Write A Catalyst
Published in
6 min readFeb 15, 2024


Bridging the Gap

Photo from Vision Q

If I could have the privilege of meeting one person from the past, I would meet Thomas Jefferson.

I’ve pondered on Virginia Hall, Mahatma Gandhi, Katherine Hepburn, etc.

But Thomas Jefferson is first since I would like to ask him about the difficulties surrounding the possibilities of building what he seemed to have hoped would be a just, fair, and decent way of governing a society.

But then I began to ponder a different method for complete understanding.

In Harry Potter, characters can interact with portraits of those who have passed but it seems as if their “memories” are sealed within a frame.

They can ask questions, provide guidance, and recollect their struggles in the wizarding world and how it impacted the current timeline.

So, instead of journeying back in the past, maybe we could bring them forth into our time to see how their decisions curated the world we live in today.

Converting memories into functional AI.

Before you misunderstand, yes, they would need to be alive in order for memory collection to be possible. Plus the numerous ethical components are too great to ponder on at the moment.



Chris McDonough☘️
Write A Catalyst

Bachelors in Neuroscience from UF. Writing about the implications of Research along with my gaming, book, movie, and spiritual interests.