Google Detected AI on One of My Blogs

I had to shut down the blog, but I learned something fascinating.

Sana Uqaili
Write A Catalyst
Published in
4 min readMay 9, 2024


Dastmyer SEO AI Image Creator

I built an AI-driven website with 100 ChatGPT-written blog posts, but suddenly, I had to shut it down.

I decided to launch an experimental website that would feature ChatGPT-written blog posts to see if such a website could perform well on Google and attract organic traffic.

Given the many tutorials and promises suggesting that AI-written blog posts perform exceptionally well, I was curious to test this claim myself.

As someone who has been building blogs for almost two years, I believed I had an advantage, having learned what types of content work well.

I started a blog in the manifesting wealth niche because it’s a niche with relatively little competition.

Not only did I use ChatGPT to generate these blog posts, but I also polished and edited them to ensure they stood out.

This included adding images, links, and correcting numerous errors.

On average, I spent about 25 minutes on each post, with most of the heavy lifting done by ChatGPT and only minor polish and edits done by myself.



Sana Uqaili
Write A Catalyst

A content strategist and SEO specialist who can get your website ranked on the first page of Google in a matter of weeks! Visit for more info.