Gratitude for a New Day

Anas Aladham
Write A Catalyst
2 min readJun 28, 2024


Every morning, with the first light of dawn, we are given a new day, another chance. Waking up is more than a cease in sleep, but the start of another day, an opening to a new world.

Just open your eyes. You got up this morning. Good for you. You’re alive. It’s a tremendous privilege, and you’ll never know what mysteries, and how many challenges and delights, you’ll experience over the course of this single, beautiful day.

With each dawn comes a new possibility

A chance to discover something interesting, meet someone intriguing, or move closer to our objectives. Grateful to encounter these opportunities, we face the day with enthusiasm and anticipation.

Each day on this earth is a gift; it’s easy to take our days for granted and yet each one is a precious period of time that allows us to mature, to love, and to make a contribution back to the world.

Let’s treasure every rising morning as a celebration of the rebirth of life. Shifting into gratitude — as we wake up — helps set the tone and can inform the rest of our day.

The more attention we pay to life’s gifts, the more fully we are engaged with its rhythm and lightness, its delight.

