Great News! You Don’t Have to Chase “New” Content Every Day!

THIS is what you NEED to focus on instead

Gary David Flamberg
Write A Catalyst


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Often, our bouts with BPS (Blank Page Syndrome) are borne out of a felt need to have to reinvent ourselves.

But if I know I have a message my readers need and/or want, I will keep hammering it away.

In other words…

I don’t have to frantically look for “new stuff” every day.

Wow, have I just bumped into the perfect BPS cure?

Think about your favorite writer or speaker. Aside from their personality, why do you follow him or her?

You follow them because their message is worth its weight in gold to you.

You want it — in fact, you need it — over and over and over again.

“Keep repeating it!”

Think about your favorite writer or speaker. Aside from their personality, what do you like about them?

That’s easy. You follow them because you like their message. It’s worth its weight in gold. You want it — in fact, you need it — over and over and over again.

As Lynn Baber tells us:

“If it’s important, keep repeating it!”



Gary David Flamberg
Write A Catalyst

Bringing out the authentic writer in you (with a side helping of culture, faith, and plain ole' life wisdom!)