Grief | Life
Grief is the price we pay for love.
If I removed grief, would I have a life of bliss?
Have you ever pondered what it might be like to live a life free of grief?
It would be similar to somebody claiming, “If I were not faced with dealing with loss, my life could be so much better.”
Will removing grief lead to a happier life? Think about it. What’s left when the likelihood of losing people you cared about is removed?
Your perfect life without the possibility of losses would look like this:
You might have everything money can buy, but nobody’s around to share it with.
You may be known worldwide for your brilliance yet come home each night to an empty house and your dog.
You could compose music that filled stadiums with raving fans, but no one would care about you if you were silent.
You could travel anyplace in the world without a true buddy.
People make life meaningful. People make life interesting. We make memories with others. We sit in silence with those we care about. We laugh amongst others. We mourn with them.