He Isn’t Loco and I’m Not Cuckoo

He’s one-up-manning and I’m networking.

Tooth Truth Roopa Vikesh
Write A Catalyst
Published in
4 min readMay 18, 2024


A man and a woman arguing. Each is pointing fingers at the other in the picture.
Photo by Afif Ramdhasuma on Unsplash

What does it matter what someone thinks of our city, our jobs, or our house windows?

My husband gets angry with people who say some things to him at family reunions or local parties. He defends his ground aggressively even after we’ve left the party and are driving home.

My husband will claim that “the insufferable, incompetent, overrated fellow” who buttonholed him at the party ran down our profession, our city, or the kind of windows we have in our home and keep smoldering. This is when we’re in our car and well out of earshot of the man he’s talking about.

I could have a short conversation with the same guy at the same party and find him polite but boring. I might even get a book recommendation out of the chap.

I never understood my husband’s instant dislike of such fellas earlier. I would feel annoyed that my husband was allowing his anger at a random party guest to cloud a perfect moment in the car on the drive home when we could actually talk.

Now, I understand.



Tooth Truth Roopa Vikesh
Write A Catalyst

I don’t just create smiles, I inspire them! Dentist, mom—Jamshedpur, India.