Here’s How You Can Beat Procrastination Using This Powerful Method

Why you shouldn’t give your mind time to think

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Write A Catalyst
4 min readJul 10, 2024


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One effective way to defeat procrastination is by just diving into and immersing ourselves in whatever work we have on our plate.

I’ve found this technique helpful when dealing with my procrastination and overcoming it.

The idea here is to not allow our minds any time to think or ruminate about our work.

Once our minds are given even the smallest opportunity to think about our work, they will automatically start rejecting the notion of doing said work, thus causing us to procrastinate.

Therefore, it’s best to not let our minds think or ponder about the work, and instead just do it.

It’s about deliberately one-upping our natural reactions towards work.

Start With The Present

This technique requires us to first focus on the present moment. This I’d say is the most challenging part.

We must avoid worrying about whatever potential outcomes, concerns, or stress we may have regarding our work, and actively direct our thoughts towards the present.

Focusing on the present establishes the proper mental conditions for our minds and primes them to just dive into our work without thinking about it.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

If we don’t actively focus on the present, our minds by default will get flooded with such unhelpful, distracting thoughts. This in turn influences us to procrastinate.

Once we feel like procrastinating and delaying, such feelings very quickly overwhelm us, thus defeating whatever resolve we attempted to summon prior.

This shows how dominating the influence of procrastination is towards our minds if we’re passive and don’t take charge of our thoughts.

Once We’re Immersed, It’s Harder To Break The Flow

When we dive into and become immersed in our work, our minds can sustain a certain level of focus, at least for a particular amount of time.

Once we’re in this state of mind, it’s harder for intrusive thoughts to simply enter and disrupt our flow and concentration. This is because our work mindset has already been established and we’re in the midst of the process.

This technique of just diving into my work without thinking about it has enabled me to conduct my work more effectively.

It makes me feel more empowered and in control, as I’m able to:

  • Take charge of my thoughts and just start working without any delay.
  • Work more efficiently and complete my tasks for the day.

The More We Practice, The Greater Our Control Is

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:

The key element here is the focus and mental discipline needed to:

  • Be present-minded, and
  • Dive into our work without allowing our minds to think about it.

The only way to strengthen our focus and mental discipline is to consistently incorporate this technique into our daily lives.

The more we apply this technique towards our work and whatever daily tasks we have, the more natural it’ll become.

Soon enough, we can effectively break our procrastinating habits and be far more effective in our work performance.

A Much-Needed Boost To My Productivity

There’s no denying that procrastination is one of the toughest mental blocks to overcome.

But it’s important to remember that there are methods to take charge of our minds and not let procrastination dominate our lives. I strongly believe that one of those methods is to just dive into our work without giving our minds time to think about it.

I’m glad I learnt this technique. It’s greatly improved my overall productivity!

Photo by fauxels:

There’ve been times when I couldn’t summon the required mental discipline and the urge to procrastinate was too overpowering. However, I reminded myself to be persistent and keep trying to apply the technique above.

In the end, it’s only through persistently applying such techniques can we get rid of our procrastination and improve.

Do you guys agree with my points? How do you guys deal with procrastination?

Do let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading!

Copyright Raveen Jeyakumar, 2024. All rights reserved.

