Here’s Why Self-Forgiveness Is So Important For You

The Powerful Effects Of Forgiving Yourself!

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3 min read3 days ago


Do you forgive yourself regularly? Like, is it something you consciously do?

Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR:

Or is it something you rarely think about? For me, I’ve rarely done it in my life.

I just never really thought about it and it never crossed my mind.

I’ve Struggled To Truly Forgive Myself

For me, my thoughts are always reaching outwards. Like, they’re constantly directed to the things and people around me, never inward.

So when it comes to things like self-forgiveness, which requires you to focus inward and self-reflect, I’m not able to generate those feelings naturally.

I think this has also made me feel that self-forgiveness isn’t really important. I don’t see the point in practicing it.

And that’s why, looking back, I never really forgave myself for certain incidents or moments in my life which had negative effects on me. These are moments where I blamed myself, was ashamed, or felt resentful towards that situation.

Self-Forgiveness Is So Powerful In Many Ways!

But quite recently, I’ve been able to summon that feeling of self-forgiveness within myself. Lately, my focus has been improving, and so I think that has helped me be more introspective and inward-looking.

It’s only been a few days since I was able to actually feel genuine self-forgiveness. But despite the very short time, the effects are quite powerful.

And it’s almost instantaneous!

Like, the moment I started to forgive myself, I felt a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders. I felt lighter, more relaxed and at peace with myself.

There was also less pressure on me in general and I felt quite relieved.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:

Self-Forgiveness = Truly Taking Care Of Yourself

But I’d say the most profound effect I experienced was that I felt more compassionate, kind, and understanding towards myself.

By properly forgiving myself, I was able to show myself more care and attention. It felt really rewarding!

And I think the reason is because you’re telling yourself it’s ok that you made those big mistakes and had those embarrassing moments in the past. It’s not that big of a deal and it doesn’t have to keep bringing you down and affecting your happiness.

You’re also telling yourself that you accept yourself and are fine with who you are, including all your flaws and shortcomings. That, to me, is quite empowering!

Photo by Fernando Brasil on Unsplash

We Can Be Happier And More At Peace

So, that’s why I feel it’s very important for us to practice more self-forgiveness in our lives.

I think especially in our hectic world today, we don’t bother to take the time to give ourselves this type of care and attention. We should start being more proactive about forgiving ourselves.

Because in the end, that’s what self-forgiveness really is. It’s caring about ourselves and paying attention to our emotional needs.

I really feel that if we can do this regularly, we’ll be much happier and more at peace.

Do you agree with my points? How often do you truly forgive yourself?

Let me know in the comments and thanks for reading!

Copyright Raveen Jeyakumar, 2024. All rights reserved.

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