How do most dreams get killed?

You are destined to become the person you decide to be.

Mr. Harsh
Write A Catalyst
2 min readJul 2, 2024


Photo by Armand Khoury on Unsplash

Hesitation kills more dreams than failure ever will.

Many people have everything, but they don’t achieve success. There can be many reasons, but the most common ones that many people have are hesitation, low confidence, and laziness.

These are the things that are not big to deal with, like lack of capital, lack of people, lack of ideas, or lack of anything that can’t be obtained in a short time.But the things that kill more dreams are not these things.
There were times when you had so many dreams and many other ideas or thoughts that you considered best, that you considered yourself, or that you had ideas that could achieve great things.but as time passed, many people had forgotten, and many didn’t even try. Due to this, people have regrets.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago or now.

People always care about what other people will think about them, what society will think, how they will judge them, and many more useless things like this. This is one of the biggest reasons that people abandon their dreams and lose their confidence.
If you have these worries, then you are just wasting your time and future because only useless people will judge you because people with knowledge will never judge you because they know what things are beneficial and what things can help.

Caring about opinions will only hinder you. If you think a boxer will judge you while punching or training, then you are wrong.

If you care about society, then it will only ruin you because society will always have problems with you. They are always waiting for your failure. And if you succeed, then they will admire you.

Dreams and ideas are like seeds; they won’t germinate until they go into the ground and get the sufficient nutrition they need. If you hesitate or care about the judgment and do not plant, then you will never get the fruits.
Laziness is also an enemy of dreams because tomorrow will never come, and many people don’t want to do anything today.

The first step is always hard, but many people find ways after that. 
Lazy people do a little work and think they should be winning, but winners work as hard as possible and still worry about being lazy.

