How I Got 93 New Leads With a Freebie on My Gumroad Store!

(I seriously didn’t know this could happen)

Sweta Sharma
Write A Catalyst
6 min readAug 2, 2024


Getting new leads is something that feels like a dopamine rush!

Isn’t it folks?

If you’re a content creator, you must agree with the fact that relying on the ever-changing social media algorithms is a bit daunting and somewhere not so favorable.

The reason is crystal clear —

you can’t expect what new changes would be introduced on the platform in the future, and how you’re supposed to deal with them.

Now, in this scenario, we have two options:

  • Option 1: Rely solely on the algorithms, hoping impractically that it would work in our favor
  • Option 2: Start owning your audience

If you choose option 1, this post is not for you.

But, if you choose ‘option 2' and really want to own your audience, then this post is just the right fit.

When we talk about owning our audience, one of the best ways is — Building an E-mail List.

An E-mail list acts as a direct contact between you and your audience.

But, growing an e-mail list might seem like the toughest challenge to crack.


Because, nowadays, people are cautious about whom they share their e-mail addresses with and dislike receiving nonsense in their inboxes.

So, to get people to your e-mail list, you need to provide something different and so valuable that they can’t resist signing up.

That’s exactly what I did.

I created a free lead magnet — 50 Pinterest Call to Action (since I’m a Pinterest creator, uploaded it on Gumroad and the results are in front of you!

Image by Author (Screenshot of E-mail)

If you’re wondering how you can get similar or even better results, then you definitely need to try this 4-step plan that I’ll be sharing in this post.

Without taking too much of your time, let’s get straight to it!

Step 1: Identify your Audience’s Pain Point

Audiences are the central focus of this whole content creation process.

So, you better pay attention to them.

Take time and understand the challenges your potential audience faces (related to the niche).

Spend time where they hang out online — be it on social media platforms, forums, or blog comment sections.

Pay close attention to the questions they ask, the problems they complain about, and the goals they’re trying to achieve.

Also, look at your own content.

Which of your posts, articles, or videos get the most engagement?

Often, the topics that resonate most with your audience are indicators of their pain points.

The goal is to find a problem your audience cares about and that you can solve with your lead magnet.

Note all your findings in a doc and then come up with potential ideas.

Step 2: Create a Valuable Resource

Once you have made a list of the pain points or challenges, it’s time to create a lead magnet that provides real value to your audience.

Your lead magnet could be:

  • A comprehensive guide
  • A checklist or template
  • An E-book
  • A video tutorial
  • A webinar, etc.

Choose what suits you, your niche, and your audience, and create that.

Make sure you’re giving more than what’s expected.

If you go the extra mile to help your audience, then you’re definitely going to reap the benefits.

Because, when your audience sees that your content is helpful and reliable, they’re more likely to become leads and stay engaged with your future offerings.

Step 3: Hook Your Audience Visually!

First impressions matter, especially online!

When you’re offering a free resource, its appearance can make or break your audience’s decision to download it.

When I uploaded the lead magnet the first time, I didn’t pay attention to the visual appeal and this was probably one of my biggest mistakes.

Later on, I decided to use brand colors for myself, just to make sure that my posts were cohesive.

I also my lead magnet a makeover, and I can say — it really works.

Let’s have a look at the old and new designs!

Image by Author (Old Design of the Lead Magnet )
Image by Author (New Design of the Lead Magnet )

You also need to do the same!

Try these hacks:

  • Keep your presentation catchy, simple, and clean.
  • Use colors that match your brand.
  • Add an eye-catching title that clearly states the benefit.
  • Include a mock-up or preview of what’s inside.
  • Jot down the most prominent features
  • Add a call-to-action

Step 4: Share your Lead Magnet

This is the most important step!

When you’ve everything in place, spread the word far and wide, using multiple platforms to reach as many potential subscribers as possible.

Start with platforms where your audience already hangs out.

Such as:

  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Twitter
  • Reddit
  • Instagram

Keep in mind, that each platform has its own style, so tailor your posts accordingly.

For example, on LinkedIn, you might share a thoughtful post about the problem your lead magnet solves.

Image by Author (Source:

While on Pinterest, an eye-catching image with a bold title could do the trick.

Consider using platforms like Gumroad and to host and deliver your lead magnet.

These platforms make it easy to create landing pages and automate the delivery process.

They also provide valuable insights into how many people are downloading your resource.

The more places you share it, the more potential subscribers you’ll reach.

That’s a wrap🙌!

Try this 4-step process, stay consistent, and I promise you’ll make your own clan soon!

What other tactics do you use to grow your e-mail list?

Let me know in the comments.

See you in the next value-packed article! Same vibe, same place🌈.

Hey, pals! 👋 I’m Sweta — An Editor Turned Digital Content Creator.

If you’re on the lookout for content related to Passive Income, Digital Marketing, AI, etc. tap that ‘Follow’ button and be a part of my amazing community. It feels great to have awesome people on the team❤️

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Image by Author (The Ultimate Pinterest Master Guide)

Before you leave, don’t forget to check out the amazing resources I’ve curated especially for you : )🙌⬇️

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Sweta Sharma
Write A Catalyst

Hey, I'm Sweta! I help you build your personal brand by writing, AI & creating content. Join more creatives like you ➡️