Tanveer Tila
Write A Catalyst
Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2024
Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash

People with creative/intelligent minds have always suffered in this world because it is so difficult for them to survive with normal people. This one thing (deviation from what is considered not normal in society) is also what leads to psychological problems. From history, Van Gogh, whom you all know from painting of Starry Night had extreme psychological issues. He also thought that no one understood him and had cut off his ear in hallucination and what he drew could not be interpreted correctly by anyone because it is not real, it was the creation of his hallucinations. The famous psychologist, Freud, Jung and many other. A lot of famous writers, Kafka, Dostoevsky, Sylvia, Tolstoy, Bukowski and the lost goes on. This also includes a list of scientists.

To be Creative you need to come up with something new, something that no one has ever thought of before, the way no one has ever thought before and the way no one has ever written before. There are only two ways of doing it: Either you already have a psychological disorder that tends to enhance creative skills or you get in pursuit of becoming an artist and urge is so strong that you get yourself in (disorder) intentionally and then use it as a muse for art. The tragedy is that one is suffering from it will never be able to live an ordinary life. There is always something painfully beautiful to them in defying those boundaries. They feel suffocated when they have to be like someone. When they have to adopt to personas as desired by the society.

Being a creative person like this does seem intriguing but it is not less than hell in any way. To feel like a outcast among people and to give up on so many things you are capable of doing just to create art. To keep lingering here and there and completely mad and ignoring basic needs of music to work on. Creativity is not a gift but a curse and you only know you should never have it once you get cursed with it.



Tanveer Tila
Write A Catalyst

A Professional English literature graduate crafting emotive narratives. I'm here to pen down my feelings and thoughts. Let's connect thorugh storytelling.