How to Attract Luck in Life

Naveen Thangavel
Write A Catalyst
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2024
Photo by Laura Tancredi

I felt like I was the unluckiest person on earth until I listened to the stories of other people.

Life is not always fair; sometimes you work so hard, but somehow you fail.

Have you ever thought about why certain people get lucky in life? How they often get opportunities and grab them all the time?

But there is a catch. Are they really lucky, though?

You should never conclude that someone who is lucky didn’t work much to achieve something.


Lucky people, without even being aware of it, do certain things that attract luck to them.

What are these things? How can you do the same to be lucky? Read on.

The power of networking

As an introvert, I had no interest in meeting or conversing with new people. I assume that many introverts feel the same way.

However, the problem is that you can’t get lucky without making connections with others.

At least once in life, you would have wondered how on earth someone achieved something.

For instance, once I went for a job interview where many people had gathered with strong hope and had prepared well.

Among them, there was a person who was a friend of my friend. He had come only to drop my friend off for the interview but was forced by my friend to attend. Surprisingly, he got selected as the first person.

The sad part is that both I and my friend, who persuaded him to attend, were not selected.

In this example, the person who was selected in the interview was lucky, but he had a lot of friends, and that greatly helped him.

Lucky people tend to build strong networks with others, which further enhances their chances of encountering lucky opportunities.

Mindset matters

While everyone wants to be successful in life, not everyone who aims for big achievements is always positive.

Researchers have identified that unlucky individuals tend to expect negative outcomes, anticipating that negative circumstances will persist indefinitely.

Why do they think this way?

It’s often due to their past experiences.

For example, if you have failed in all your previous job interviews, you would likely expect negative outcomes in future interviews.

This negative mindset, developed based on past experiences, does not help unlucky people. In contrast, lucky people often expect positive outcomes and have a strong belief in their success.

So, how can you develop a positive belief?

Journaling is one of the best ways.

Write down all your negative thoughts in a notebook and ask yourself questions like: Is this thought arising because of my past experience? Can I overcome this with my efforts?

By answering these questions, you are challenging your negative beliefs.

I used to wrongly assume that lucky people are gifted and never have to work hard to achieve their goals.

In reality, it is their efforts that make them lucky, putting them in the right situations at the right times.

By changing our beliefs and improving our social networks, we can also increase our own luck.

Take action with a positive belief and remain patient; you never know, soon people may think you’re lucky.

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Naveen Thangavel
Write A Catalyst

Business Analyst | Trader | YouTuber: Writing about self-help, psychology, meditation, and financial freedom.