How to Become a Billionaire by Harnessing Universal Laws

From Mantras to Limitless Opportunities: Unveiling the True Secrets of Wealth Creation

Dak V
Write A Catalyst
3 min readJun 4, 2024


Photo by redcharlie on Unsplash

People often become so obsessed with spiritual methods that they expect money to fall from the sky. However, Zhuangzi advised us to forget those tiring and spiritually draining things, and to let our hearts merge completely with nature and the universe. This in itself is creative, making our world harmonious and peaceful. Creativity can only be achieved in accordance with universal laws.

The Reality of Spiritual Wealth Creation

Someone might ask, “Doesn’t Buddhist wealth-attracting practices work? Doesn’t spiritual wealth creation work?” There is a book in Tibetan Buddhism with a beautiful name, “Stirring the Heartstrings of the Dakinis.” It’s beautiful.

This book mentions that chanting mantras doesn’t make money fall from the sky. Instead, chanting mantras stirs the heartstrings of the dakinis on that level. You activate certain beings, the so-called dakinis, who are bound by laws and controlled by great sages of the sixth level to prevent them from making major mistakes. They will guide you and others in intelligent ways.

The Misconception About Spiritual Wealth

Maybe after chanting a mantra or some prayers, someone suddenly thinks of you and offers you a job. This is possible because the cosmic web has been activated and connected to someone in the physical world. This is in line with the laws. It’s not that money will fall from the ceiling after chanting.

The activation involves intelligence, always considering your well-being. It won’t send a rich person to your door with a million dollars, as that would harm you and deplete societal resources. It may prompt someone to call you, urging you to realize your potential, contribute to the world, and use your talents.

This is “stirring the heartstrings of the dakinis.” Doing nothing but chanting in your room is incorrect. If you amass wealth through improper means, you will be punished.

The Role of Chanting and Universal Laws

When chanting, you are activating a network of universal intelligence that will always find ways for you to contribute. It will always open a door somewhere for you.

It won’t give you a million dollars instantly, but it will give you opportunities. It won’t give you money directly but will provide opportunities for you to grow and contribute.

This is beneficial for you. It means the network will give you a hint in some way. Therefore, when you desire to learn, you are signaling to the entire universe, gradually encountering suitable things to learn and suitable people to teach you. Someone will always help, and more opportunities will open up, aligning with universal laws.

The Opportunities the Universe Provides

The universe wants to give you opportunities, waiting for you to knock on the door, so it can open more doors for you. Never say you only want this one thing or this one door. There are many doors you should open. Thus, Buddhism says, “The vows to learn the countless Dharma doors.” There are countless doors, and you should open each one.

Eventually, you will open every door. Opening one door is never enough; reading one book is never enough; experiencing a few people and things is never enough. You will encounter many people. In most cases, 99% of people’s spouses in each life are not the same person. This life, you might be married to this person, and the next life, you might be married to another.

Only a few souls choose the same person for many lives. But eventually, even they will change partners because this is the soul’s desire. You must experience more doors; otherwise, you cannot learn. You must learn new things to progress, and without learning, there’s no way to progress.

The universe responds to your wishes, always willing to open various doors for you, but it will never shower you with money or send a box of cash to your door. Such thinking is a misunderstanding of universal laws and a foolish understanding of stirring the heartstrings of the dakinis.

When you chant mantras, wealth-attracting practices, or prayers, countless opportunities will come to you. Often, the universe provides two or three opportunities for you to choose from.

You must grow through these opportunities and learn new things, which is beneficial for you. Giving you a million dollars is harmful, disrupting the balance of the physical world. Ancient people clearly understood these laws of life.



Dak V
Write A Catalyst

Zen, AI, INFP, ADHD, Neurodiversity, Neuroqueer, Borges.