Steps to Secure Your Position and Stand Out

Write A Catalyst
3 min readJun 27, 2024


Photo by Tran Mau Tri Tam ✪ on Unsplash

“Nobody is irreplaceable,” says an old proverb, and nothing is truer. But what if I told you there are some secrets you can apply to become invaluable at work, thus securing your position within the company where you are employed? Would you be interested? I know you want your bosses to see you as an “asset” they can’t easily part with, and in the unfortunate event that the company needs to make layoffs, you will have the assurance that you will keep your job. Here are a few steps that will help you become the ideal employee over time.

Physical appearance is important, especially in professional life. Therefore, the ideal employee always makes an effort to look good. Even if your job is not client-facing, your clothes should be clean and wrinkle-free, hygiene is a must, hair should be well washed and styled, and perfumes should be tasteful and discreet. Choosing your clothes is important because it subconsciously shows your superiors and colleagues that you take your job and daily tasks seriously. Additionally, feeling good about yourself and knowing that you are always impeccably dressed will give you a positive boost of confidence.

Make an effort to arrive at work a little earlier. Maybe just by 5 minutes. If most of your colleagues, especially your bosses, see you at your desk every morning when they walk in, they will realize that your intentions regarding daily tasks are very serious. You will be perceived as someone they can rely on with minimal effort on your part. Do the same for meetings, make sure you go 5 minutes earlier and use this time to prepare a bit for that meeting. I like to mentally rehearse a few scenarios and what I might say. Like in chess.

If you have children or juggle a multitude of household responsibilities that prevent you from having a normal schedule or need to “run out” at a certain hour to pick up your children from kindergarten, for example, show that you are willing to make up the time in the mornings or that you are flexible with your schedule. Good time management is one of the best resources for a valuable employee. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t value your free time. Be very careful not to fall into the other extreme, where you give too much because then you appear weak. What you want is to create a balance between being strong and autonomous but also flexible when you know there are tasks you absolutely must complete.

Whatever you do, do it as best as you can. I learned this the hard way; at the beginning of my career, I used to do things hastily, wanting to finish quickly or impress my bosses with my speed. I later learned that in the long run, I would benefit more if I didn’t compromise on the quality of the work that comes from my hands. Whether your job is to collect trash or design rockets, always aspire to be the best in your field. Be willing to learn new things and don’t be afraid to take on new responsibilities. Always smile and be happy in everything you do. A positive attitude helps create a happier work atmosphere for both you and your colleagues.

Change your attitude from “it’s just a job” and try to frame the work activities you perform within a list of medium and long-term responsibilities and goals. You will see that soon you will be rewarded in many ways. Your mood will improve, your salary will increase, and indirectly, the company you work for will consider itself lucky to have you as an employee.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

