How To Excel At Online Writing And Join The Top 1%

Understanding the basic online writing strategies

Biliz Maharjan
Write A Catalyst


Photo by Jornada Produtora on Unsplash

The first aspect of online writing is understanding your purpose. Why do you want to write on the Internet? Is it a hobby? Are you trying to make money? Do you want to educate or inspire readers?

In whatever you do, you must know your why. Then, it becomes easier to figure out your how.

Knowing your purpose for writing online helps you determine what type of content you want to produce. It also lets you understand the topics and ideas you should write about. You gain clarity about your target audience and how to write to impact them directly.

It is no surprise that writing online brings immense opportunities. Online writing is not only about making money but also about building a personal brand that people care about.

Writing online can help you grow a business. It enables you to market your products and services to customers and increase your online presence.

The best way to improve at any craft is to practice it consistently. It’s the same with online writing. The more you write, the better you get. However, writing every day isn’t enough. You must also ensure you are consciously improving. For instance, you must consume high-quality content from…



Biliz Maharjan
Write A Catalyst

I write about self-improvement, creativity, and writing. Free writing guide—