How to Inercase 20 to 30 New Followers On Medium Every Day

Manish Dangi
Write A Catalyst
Published in
5 min readJul 25, 2024


Well, everyone want to grow their Medium profile and I know if you are reading this you also wants the same.

So stick this story till the end and I will share you some secrets that you can get 20 to 30 Followers everyday.

Optimize Your Profile

You know how first impressions matter, right? 🤔

Well, your Medium profile is kinda like that first handshake at a party. You wanna make it count!

First things first, get yourself a snazzy profile pic. Like, one that actually shows your face, you know?

It helps people connect with you better. 😊

Now, about that bio… Alright, here’s the deal. Keep it short and sweet, but make sure it packs a punch. Highlight what makes you special as a writer.

Oh, and don’t forget to throw in some keywords related to your niche.

It’ll help people find you easier.

Interact with your readers. If someone leaves a comment, don’t leave ’em hanging. Reply back, show ’em you care. And hey, while you’re at it, follow other writers in your field. It’s all about building those connections.

