How to Lie Without Saying a Word

A semi-humorous tale

Eva Joy
Write A Catalyst


Photo by Eleonora Francesca Grotto on Unsplash

No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar. — Abraham Lincoln

Lying — it’s a universal human experience.

Whether it’s a little white lie to spare someone’s feelings or a grand deception to cover our tracks, lying is ingrained in our lives.

I’ve always wondered: How could I lie without uttering a single word?

Yes, my dear reader, it’s time to explore the art of silent deception.

The place of lying in our lives

Lies and liars have been around since the dawn of humanity. From ancient myths to modern politics, we’ve perfected the art of bending the truth.

But, Eva, why do we need to lie?

Here are a few scenarios where lying is practically mandatory:

1. Social graces

Let’s say you’re at a dinner party, and the host serves a dish that tastes like cardboard. What do you say? “Delicious!” You lie to spare their feelings and preserve the host’s self-esteem and the relationship.

One man lies in his work, and gets a bad reputation; another in his manners, and enjoys a good one. — Henry David…



Eva Joy
Write A Catalyst

Life in all its aspects, little things that aren't little. Follow me for tips and ideas to help you heal from things you don't talk about!🌸