How to Make Your Wishes Come True

“When a man can ‘wish without worry’ every desire will be instantly fulfilled.” ~F. Scovel Shin

Merrideth Hawk
Write A Catalyst
Published in
3 min readMar 7, 2024


I remember as a child, teenager, and adolescent (ok, ok, maybe even an adult) getting supremely excited when I’d catch a glimpse of those fluffy white flowers. Wish-makers.

Photo by Sandra Seitamaa on Unsplash

I can’t recall all of my wishes, but I certainly remember how much I smiled while making them. I somehow knew the force of my carbon dioxide puff would make the winds turn my wishes back unto my future life.

Making your wishes come true.

When you make a wish on those white fluffy flowers and just know your dream will come true, it usually does.

Why? Because your faith came from within.

If you have doubts and you’re pleading with some outer source of power to do it for you, inevitably nothing will transpire. Your inspired actions will dwindle with the last of the pappus.

You just have to know.

You have to be in touch with that inner being inside that just knows the wish will be fulfilled. You aren’t asking some external power for assistance, you are the force blowing the wish to the wind.



Merrideth Hawk
Write A Catalyst

Constant pursuit of personal growth; mentally, socially, physically, emotionally & spiritually. Wisdom through books.