How To Not Give A Fuck About Results And Focus On Effort Instead

Show up and do your job. Leave the rest behind.

Biliz Maharjan
Write A Catalyst


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Producing creative work is challenging.

But what’s worse is being unable to get the results you want. There is always a desire for a better outcome attached to creative work. Because of that, you suffer, and so does your work.

You can never be satisfied with your work when you are attached to the outcome. Of course, you expect your efforts to produce outstanding results. But it should not affect you if that doesn’t happen.

A creator’s job is to produce something meaningful.

There can be two sole purposes for that. First, he wants to inspire people interested in the same work field. And second, he does so because he simply loves doing so.

When you work for others’ benefit (which isn’t bad), their response to your work impacts you. You get easily affected by negative feedback or criticism. You might not even want to continue working. Believe it or not, you will suffer a little on the internal.

However, you can create magic if you work simply because you love doing it. The work becomes fruitful because you give it a meaning — to feel good about yourself. People’s feedback…



Biliz Maharjan
Write A Catalyst

I write about self-improvement, creativity, and writing. Join 1000+ creators and thinkers for weekly notes: