How to Reorient Your Career, Even If It’s Challenging

Jorge Ch.
Write A Catalyst
Published in
3 min readMay 5, 2024
Photo by Tai’s Captures on Unsplash

Are you discouraged because you don’t like what you studied or your job isn’t what you wished for? Are you not saving for your retirement?

You feel fear because you do not know what the future holds. You can’t see yourself doing the same thing in 10 years.

You look to the side and see the company’s longest-serving staff and wonder how they got there.

Everything bothers you at your job. Tasks that you initially did with your eyes closed, now seem immensely difficult. To top it off, the girl or boy who was your only incentive in the morning no longer pays attention to you.

I made up this scene, but how many of us have gone through this?

Professional failure is so common that I dare say if we were doctors we would name it as if it were a syndrome, an ailment.

We have an idea of what our lives would be like working, and when we reach that point we say enough, I don’t want to continue.

You start looking for a better job without your boss knowing. You ask your closest friends. You search on the internet, but nothing you find is right for you.

You saw yourself at 35 making heaps of money, but you realize that will never happen. That dream is so distant that thinking about it poisons you.

It’s like the story of the love of your life and everything idyllic that surrounds the ideal couple. You realize that reality is different, that the ideal couple only exists in the imagination.

What to do?

Many times, we reach this point in our professions induced by others. Our parents play a fundamental role, sometimes friends, in deciding what we will do.

Because we are so insecure and have little information about careers, we simply go along.

Also, we follow the trends of the moment. At your school, everyone or a good part dreams of studying something, and there we go behind like a tribe.

But in reality, it is difficult to know what we were truly born for or what we can pair passion with some talent.

Sometimes we are afraid to face something new, but it will bring us much pleasure.

We think of the thousands of obstacles we will encounter if we leave our lifelong job to venture into what really moves us.

There is also the monetary issue. The root of many of our problems. If we are already married, our spouse will tell us not to leave the secure for the insecure. Think about it well. Your mother will also warn you. Many people will invite you to continue the same, with the same job.

But you feel that you are burning inside, that three more months will be an eternity and every day that passes in the same job or the same profession is a matter of life or death.

Believe me, I’ve been through all this, and months and years may pass, or maybe you’ll never recover from this situation.

I just tell you one thing. Life is one and it is finite, and finding your dream, for what you are truly made for, is hard. There are people who find it, even after 50.

At some point, we all come into contact with that quality that makes us different, but not everyone reacts the same when we realize it.

It is important that you fight for what you are passionate about, that you break those chains that do not let you develop your true potential.

It’s hard, I know, but you must try. If you win the prize, it will be for life, if you lose it will be one more of your failures, what does it matter at this point.

Do not be afraid, there is no charge for being brave. Yes, it’s true, the steady salary will be cut off abruptly, but what about the illusion, what will you do with your illusion? It will be lost forever.

“Tell me about the ways you have found to reorient your career.”



Jorge Ch.
Write A Catalyst

Software developer who likes to write about personal development, programming and technology in general.