How to Stand Out in a Sea of Bullsh*t: The Real Opportunity for Businesses in 2024

Joe Testouri
Write A Catalyst
Published in
3 min readJun 26, 2024
Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

Are you an empty online guru? Probably not…I hope.

Let’s be honest…

The digital landscape in 2024 is cluttered with self-proclaimed “gurus” and “experts” who are, quite frankly, full of bullsh*t. They make big promises but deliver little to no results, leaving a trail of disappointed clients.

But guess what? This rampant nonsense is actually good news for YOU.

Let me explain:

In today’s online world, there’s an ocean of mediocrity. So many bad coaches and agencies out there are making grandiose promises with no substance. This flood of fluff makes people skeptical of online businesses. They’ve been burned before, and now they’re wary.

Here’s why that’s a WIN for you:

The bar is set incredibly low. It’s so low, in fact, that standing out isn’t just possible — it’s practically guaranteed if you play your cards right.

Imagine this: you walk into a room full of people, all shouting about how amazing they are, but none of them can actually back up their claims.

Then you come along, calm and collected, and show just one genuine case study. Suddenly, you’re the only voice that matters. That’s the power of proof in a world full of pretenders.

One good case study with a well-known brand or person can set you up for life.

Name-drop that client, and prospects will practically throw their wallets at you.

Think of it as having a golden ticket in a room full of counterfeits. Even without a big-name case study, a strong client testimonial adds serious social proof.

It’s like having a lighthouse in a stormy sea, guiding prospects safely to your shores.

And here’s the kicker: people trust the opinions of others they can relate to. If you can showcase testimonials from clients who share common ground with your prospects… you’re already miles ahead of the competition.

That makes you the trustworthy guide in a jungle of dubious directions.

So, how do you leverage this?

  1. Have a killer case study? Use it in EVERY outreach. Make sure it’s front and center in your marketing. Whether it’s emails, social media, or your website, that case study should be shining like a beacon.
  2. No killer case study yet? Focus on getting that first jaw-dropping result. This might mean going the extra mile for your first few clients. Overdeliver, exceed expectations, and then ask for their testimonials. These initial successes will serve as your stepping stones to bigger and better clients.

But remember, authenticity is key.

In a world overflowing with empty promises, genuine results are like diamonds. They’re rare, valuable, and they stand out effortlessly. Your authenticity will resonate with your prospects and build trust faster than any flashy sales pitch ever could.

Think about it:

Would you rather hear a pushy sales pitch from someone who’s all talk, or a genuine recommendation from someone who’s been there and done that? People trust genuine enthusiasm and real results more than pressure.

This simple shift in focus… from trying to convince people to letting your results speak for themselves… can boost your closing rate big time.

So, here’s your game plan:

  1. Identify your success stories. Look through your past clients and find those who have had remarkable results with your help.
  2. Showcase these stories. Make them the cornerstone of your marketing strategy. Share them on your website, in your outreach emails, and on social media.
  3. Be authentic. Your prospects can smell BS from a mile away. Be honest about what you can achieve and let your results do the talking.

To sum it all up…

Focusing on genuine results and authentic connections will help you stand out in the crowded, noisy, and often dishonest world of online business. You’ll be the breath of fresh air that prospects are desperately seeking.

I hope that makes sense.

Are you struggling to get clients and thinking of giving up?

Click here to watch this short video where I shared the one thing that kept me going when I wanted to quit.

I’m Joe, running a $20K+/month marketing agency while traveling the globe. I share the insights and lessons I wish I’d had when I started in 2019. Follow me for tips on scaling your business and agency!



Joe Testouri
Write A Catalyst

I share my agency knowledge to help you scale your agency business to $20K/Mo. The Founder of Bespoke Academy. Scaled my agency & coaching business to $40K/Mo.