Life Lessons | Psychology| Handling Negativity

How to Stop Hosting Pity Parties in Your Mind

Banish the ‘Dark Lord’ of negativity and unlock a world of positivity.

Os Ishmael
Write A Catalyst
Published in
4 min readMar 28, 2024


That feeling of despair and negativity. Image by author via Midjourney.

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There I was, on a damp and dreary dock, waiting for a delayed ferry. My mind, almost on cue, began its descent into negativity. “Why me?” I wondered, feeling frustration rise.

It hit me then — I was throwing my own little pity party.

Isn’t that something we all do at times?

Getting caught up in a whirlpool of negative thoughts, often over trivial things. In these moments, our minds gravitate towards pessimism, trapping us in a dark cycle of gloom.

This simple ferry delay, insignificant in the grand scheme of things, served as a stark reminder of how quickly we can let the negative take hold, coloring our mood and our view of the world.

Our Minds’ Negative Bias

Research from the National Science Foundation reveals that a vast majority of our thoughts are negative, with 80% being less than positive and a striking 95% repetitive.



Os Ishmael
Write A Catalyst

Fractional Chief Communications Officer embracing life's wisdom | By day crafting strategic communications and narratives | At night, asleep.