I am a Stranger to my Generation

Charul & moonlight
Write A Catalyst
Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2024

I sat with my classmates in the auditorium, witnessing a dance show with shimmering neon lights.

Everyone is engrossed in the color of familiarity and affinity, except me.

I am a stranger in my own Generation Z; living as an old loner. My shades are vintage and cottage style whereas they adopt neon lights.

I am invested in poetry and art whereas they like the loud bass.

I am not an introvert instead, I am highly intrigued to interact with everyone and everything and to observe even the minute details in my periphery. Oh! To live as a stranger among your own caste feels like being a delinquent cat among domestic ones.

I am fascinated by the changing color of the skies and the animals roaming around on my college campus; The texture of the leaves and the fragrance of various flowers in the garden. It is no less than heaven to sit under the trees and jot down some poetries with the faint chirping sounds of birds.

Photo by Leah Newhouse: https://www.pexels.com/photo/rear-view-of-woman-standing-in-balcony-during-sunset-325520/

To accompany myself, I sit with the animal beings on my college lawn and watch at a distance a group of girls chuckling on their witless talks. I neither feel jealous nor am I an antisocial being.

I enjoy admiring beautiful people and their unique mannerisms, but the upsetting thing is that no one else will join me in my solitude. No one wants to sit with me in complete silence and peace.

I am not a lonely girl but I do desire an acquaintance that matches my level of romanticism; A person who wants to live as a social servant and not as a self-servant.

I interact, get involved, and contribute like an amiable girl but still, I am a stranger;

a stranger to the current trends and lifestyles.

A youngster who lives as a stranger among her friends. An extrovert who lives as a stranger…..



Charul & moonlight
Write A Catalyst

I'm a love expressing through art. A young girl with a burning heart. Love to teach the art of writing and living a healthy life.