I Can’t Come Up With New Ideas to Write, So I Did This

Naveen Thangavel
Write A Catalyst
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2024
Photo by Gustavo Fring

Every day, after getting up in the morning and sitting down to write, I ask myself the same question: ‘What to write today?’

Sadly, for the past three weeks, I can’t answer my question. I don’t know what to write.

Coming up with new ideas every day increases my anxiety level, and my mind looks completely blank.

I presume many writers have this common struggle, and new writers especially face this all the time.

How can we overcome this? What is the one thing you have to do? Read on.

In the past two months, I had a lot of personal tasks, so I struggled to write daily. Although I had time in the morning to write, I couldn’t come up with any new ideas.

When I looked back and analyzed what went wrong, I discovered the problem: a lack of reading.

I used to read articles, books, and watch interesting YouTube videos every day, but due to my personal workload, I completely stopped.

So, I got what I deserved. I can’t write anything.

I was inspired to write only because of reading books and learned that there is nothing new to say in this world; everything has already been said. What you have to do is say it again with your own experience.

No gains without effort. Like you can’t get a job without applying for it, you can’t write without reading or consuming content related to your niche.

So, the solution to the problem is to consume more content related to your niche to get inspired and come up with new ideas.

Is just reading enough? Yes, but only to some extent.

I used to read a lot of books, but after a week, if someone asked me about key lessons, I would struggle. Later, I used Notion to track my key points after completing a book.

There is no specific format for this; you can simply write whatever you’ve learned.

This simple habit helped me remember a lot of things and made it easier to start writing new articles.

Reading books or articles and making notes of what I’ve learned has helped me write freely without worrying about what to write every day.

Happy reading!

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Naveen Thangavel
Write A Catalyst

Business Analyst | Trader | YouTuber: Writing about self-help, psychology, meditation, and financial freedom.