I cracked the code to Medium Success: Here’s What I Learned🚀

Zero to Hero

Manish Dangi
Write A Catalyst
4 min read3 hours ago


Photo by Alex McCarthy on Unsplash

Alright, so here’s the deal. 🤔

I’ve been writing on Medium for a while now, and let me tell you, it’s been quite a journey.

You know how it is, right?

You start out thinking, “Hey, I’ve got something to say!” but then you realize that getting people to actually read your stuff is a whole other ballgame.

#Tip 1 -Understanding Reader Needs

So, I learned pretty quickly that if I wanted to engage my audience, I needed to figure out what they actually cared about.

Like, you can’t just write about whatever pops into your head and expect people to be interested.

I started paying attention to the comments on my posts and looking at which articles got the most views. It was kind of like being a detective, trying to piece together what my readers were really looking for. 🕵️‍♀️

And here’s the thing — once I started writing about stuff that actually mattered to them, it was like a lightbulb went off. 💡

People were more engaged, they were sharing my posts, and I started to feel like I was actually making a difference.

#Tip 2- Strategies for Compelling Content

Okay, so now that I knew what my readers wanted, I had to figure out how to give it to them in a way that would keep them hooked.

Ah, easier said than done, right?

I started experimenting with different types of headlines.

The kind that make you go, “Ooh, I’ve gotta read that!” It’s amazing how much difference a good headline can make.

And then there’s the whole storytelling thing. I mean, humans have been telling stories since, like, forever.

So I tried to weave more personal anecdotes and relatable experiences into my writing. It felt a bit weird at first, like I was oversharing or something, but people seemed to really connect with it.

#Tip 3- Depth Over Superficiality

Now, here’s where it gets tricky. 😅

In this age of viral tweets and 30-second TikToks, it’s tempting to just skim the surface of topics. But I’ve found that my readers actually appreciate when I go deeper into subjects.

I remember writing this really in-depth piece about, um, the psychology of procrastination. It took me ages to research and write, and I was worried it might be too heavy.

But you know what?

It ended up being one of my most popular articles.

So now I try to challenge myself to really explore topics from different angles. It’s not always easy, but it feels good to create something that makes people think.

#Tip 4 -The Power of Connection

How do I explain this?

It’s like, when you read something and you feel like the writer is speaking directly to you — that’s the kind of connection I’m aiming for.

I’ve noticed that when I write from the heart and share my own experiences — the ups and downs, the struggles and the wins — that’s when people really respond.

It’s like they can feel that there’s a real person behind the words?

And let me tell you, there’s no better feeling than getting a comment from someone saying that your article made them feel less alone or inspired them to make a change.

That’s the power of connection right there. 🤗

#Tip 5- Writing With Authenticity

Alright, so here’s the big one — being authentic. It sounds simple, but man, it can be scary sometimes. Like, putting your real self out there for the world to see? Yikes!

But I’ve learned that it’s worth it. When I write in my own voice, share my genuine thoughts and feelings, that’s when my writing really resonates with people.

I try to:

  • Share personal stories, even the embarrassing ones 🙈
  • Express my real emotions, not just what I think I should feel
  • Offer my unique take on things, even if it goes against the grain
  • Keep my writing voice consistent, so it sounds like me
  • Be open about my process and my mistakes

It’s not always easy, but it feels so much better than trying to be someone I’m not.

In Final…

So creating engaging posts is kind of like cooking a great meal.

You need to understand what your guests like, use the right ingredients and techniques, and most importantly, put your heart into it.

By really getting to know my readers, using strategies to keep them engaged, going deep into topics, and always striving for that genuine connection, I’ve found my groove as a writer.

Being authentic is the secret sauce that brings it all together. It’s what turns a bunch of words into something that really speaks to people.

At the end of the day, it’s all about sharing our stories and experiences in a way that makes others go, “Wow, I get that. I feel that too.”

And that, my friends, is what makes writing on Medium so incredibly rewarding. 😊

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