I Found the Hidden Value of Silence

Naveen Thangavel
Write A Catalyst
Published in
2 min read1 day ago
Photo by Ben Mack

On a beautiful Sunday evening, I walked alone in a quiet place without having my mobile or Kindle.

What’s so special?

I realized the hidden value of silence.

Most days, while walking, my mind fills with endless thoughts. To stop this, I divert my attention by listening to songs or reading books.

On that day, however, I noticed a difference. After 30 minutes of walking, I realized my mind wasn’t crowded with thoughts.

There were some thoughts, but nothing carried on for so long.

I watched my surroundings, enjoyed the slight wind across my way, and my legs were synching with the trees’ movement.

After a while, I seated myself near one of the big trees and looked up at the sky, watching the flying contest between dark and bright clouds.

Finally, the dark clouds won the race.

These 30 to 40 minutes of silence, without thinking about life, goals, and work, gave me a much-deserved break.

We all need breaks in life; you can’t keep on going. You should realize this sooner to enjoy the real value of life.

If someone asks you about the color of your bathroom tiles, many of us take a long time to answer, and some of us don’t even know the color.

This is how we are living in autopilot mode, we almost forget to notice things in our surroundings.

Practicing silence is actually difficult and takes time. I started with five minutes and suggest you follow in my footsteps.

You don’t have to walk into the woods to enjoy silence. Instead, close your room for five minutes, sit down on the floor, and close your eyes. If possible, try to listen to the noises around your room.

Enjoy the silence!



Naveen Thangavel
Write A Catalyst

Business Analyst | Trader | YouTuber: Writing about self-help, psychology, meditation, and financial freedom.