I Made a Graph of Medium… This Is What I Found

How do you maximize reads on Medium? This graph will show you!

Oliver Lövström
Write A Catalyst


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I made a graph of Medium. It looks cool, and I have spent hours on it. But can we learn anything from this graph?

Thumbnail. Image by Author.

The Graph

The graph is a representation of all my Medium stories and how they are connected. Each node or circle in the diagram is one of my Medium stories. The arrows between the circles represent a link (URL), either an incoming link from another story or an outgoing link.

Medium Graph. Image by Author.

The size of the circles is the number of incoming links to the story. Meaning the largest node is linked to by the most stories. If we take a closer look at this circle, we see something interesting.

Largest Node. Image by Author.

This article happens to be my highest-earning story: CIA Reveals Time Travel Is Real.


