I Make Bonds Like I Use My Towels

Tanisha Tiwari
Write A Catalyst
Published in
3 min readAug 18, 2024


Source: Pinterest

I am too particular as a person.

I want to carry myself in a certain way. I can’t sleep on other people’s beds because I want my toy to be beside me, I can’t drink with strangers, I wake up like a silent maniac– the half-n hour in the morning is for silence, I make my bed as I get up, I make coffee while I am brushing because I do not wait for the extra five minutes as the coffee should be made, I can’t bath without music, I always put on slippers because it irritates me otherwise, I do not even like to talk to most people, and if I am being honest, I have perceived there are two types of people: The smart ones and the ones who pretend to be smart; I stay away from the second type, I keep my relationships clear and I like separate towels for different purposes.

I believe life is like a towel; towels are the bonds we have.

Meeting new people, loving them, hating them, absconding the idea of even looking at them, experiences we have, roads we take, and everything else.

As I like to think: every towel has a purpose, similarly every bond has a purpose.

I have a green towel, that I keep beside my bed most of the time. I just use it to wipe my face, nothing else. That is just the purpose it serves. But I can’t make it a day without using that.

As we grow up we understand how we are connected with our friends. There is always a friend or acquaintance who is only there to listen to your rant. That is their entire existence and you can’t live through without them.

I have a blue towel that is always tucked at my washroom door. I keep it for when I forget to carry my bathrobe inside, in a hurry or just because that’s how absent-minded I am. I often resonate that towel with my parents. I know if I am lost or I forget to make it home, they will be there, still standing by my side, knowing their daughter will make it, if not today, someday.

I have a bunch of white towels, also called the cloth cleaners. Me and my brother usually misplace them so we have five or six of them in the same colors. We usually give one of them to our house help to wipe the dishes, the other to clean the rack and often we use some of them for dusting purposes.

We all share some bond with a set of people who are there for us, without any motives. Not all of them would party with you, a few might not meet you in years, and some even ditch your calls but you still know they love you, for some unknown reasons. You do not even try to make efforts with them but they understand you are busy with your own life and they are with theirs. Some of them you like to drink with, some are breakfast buddies, you call some to chill at your place and some inspire you with their work.

The purpose of having towels is to keep it all clean: you, the shelves, the racks, the bonds.

In life when you move ahead while having transparency in your relationships, that’s when you will understand how important it is to figure out who fits where(which towel should be used for what purpose).

And as Marie Kundo said, “Commit yourself to tidying up”, let us add “Find the right purpose of the towels to follow the right order”. And I can assure you it will spark joy!



Tanisha Tiwari
Write A Catalyst

Content Manager For The Government Of India, Author, and Everything I Would Want To Call Myself