I Miss My Childhood Dad

Things aren’t the same anymore.

Mehak Adlakha
Write A Catalyst


There is something I miss a lot from my childhood.

This! :(

Little me with my dad.

As an Indian girl child, my father doesn’t pick me up in his arms anymore.

There are certain taboos in India, especially among older generations, where girls aren’t always physically close to their fathers.

While many people in India don’t adhere to these taboos anymore, my father does.

As a mature girl, more like a lady now, he occasionally gives me hugs but doesn’t kiss me on the forehead and cheeks anymore.

I miss the way he used to be when I was considered a child.

The day I got my first period, I was 11 years old.

He brought me a big doll, much like this:

Dad said, ‘Now that you’re a big girl, this is the last soft toy gift for the baby you.’

From that day onwards, his behaviour towards me became a bit mature.

But I was 11!!! And I didn’t want it.

If this happens only in India, I wish I had been born in some other country, maybe I would have been still his little daughter.

I miss my childhood dad.❤️



Mehak Adlakha
Write A Catalyst

26 | Owner of 'The Live. Love. Laugh. Pub' | Software Engineer @ Microsoft, India | Life Enthusiast and Tech Explorer | I promote positivity and knowledge.