I Took Hemingway’s “Write Drunk, Edit Sober” a Bit Too Literally

Here’s what happened

Martina D.
Write A Catalyst


Who could possibly resist the green fairy? /Photo: Timon Studler

I normally make a huge point of avoiding my MacBook at cocktail hour.

Come 5 o’clock, I remove it together with anything business-related from our dining table where I work, shove it deep in the work drawer, and replace it with candlesticks, a centerpiece, and wine.

It’s a safeguarding measure:

No questionable purchases after a couple of glasses. No writing, and most certainly no publishing. What if I hit publish on something too personal! I won’t survive.

But something has been bothering me lately.

“Write drunk, edit sober,” Hemingway famously said.

I’ve never done this. But what real writer doesn’t write drunk at least once? I wonder what would happen. What if there is another dimension I’ll never discover otherwise?

Well, you know where this is headed.

I braved it. Not with Absinthe, sadly.

But after two glasses of French (of course) Sauvignon Blanc, this happened:

It’s just beer, ffs

Your average rush hour morning in the city



Martina D.
Write A Catalyst

I write & publish books for print + audio. Get ready-made research into profitable Amz niches with full evidence breakdown-> https://buildmomentum.substack.com