I Want To Quit My 9–5 Job

Some jobs are like waiting for the summer while freezing to death in the winter

Chinedu V. Onyema
Write A Catalyst


Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

The result is not rocket science. Before the summer arrives: the ‘waiter’ is gone.

This is a clear metaphor for an average paid worker in a land where the inflation rate has broken all known and unknown rules and records.

The hyperinflation is such that makes the price of goods to increase on a daily basis. That is to put it mildly though.

In an unbelievably strange reality, some items (especially foods) increase in split days. Morning, afternoon and night have different prices for the same product.

Meanwhile, that is the major reason I want to quit my 9–5 job. I had not been a(n) salary/allowance earner for a long time.

Being one who had trained oneself through the higher institution, personal business was the means. No matter how small the business was, with its regular income guaranteed: it was regarded better than an average nine-to-five.

At least, that did take care of my education before things tumbled down south. Before things went south, there was a major challenge.

The challenge quickly affected the diversified angle of the business due to the global economic meltdown of the late 2000’s.

Of course, that affected the Number One (pioneer) business. I was going down financially and fast too.

So I had to do something else to survive. Along the line, my wife was booked for a major surgery which was successfully carried out nevertheless.

In the process of going to and fro to see her, I saw an advert on my way back. I reluctantly applied.

Surprisingly, I was interviewed immediately. The company director did that himself and being impressed, he asked me to start work the following day.

That was how I became a 9–5 person. It wasn’t the greatest of jobs but it was the most feasible at that moment.

In less than a year, I discovered to my greatest shock that the Director was not only fraudulent but did it with some dare-devil impunity.

He would quickly pay you at the end of the first month in order to give you a deceitful impression. By the end of the second month, he would pay you only half of your wage(s).

Sad enough, by the end of six months, you would realize that you were being owed two-to-three-month wage.

Interestingly, the local police seemed to be in his payroll. At a point, an ex-staff once reported his (though complicated) issues with him to the police.

To cut the story short, the claimant was the one who was eventually detained by the police. That was how arrogantly powerful the man was.

With all those facts, I had to look for somewhere else to work — with the diabolically minded character owing me not less than three months (which I left to God and his conscience, if he had any).

Through the help of a friend, I was able to secure another job almost immediately. The job is where I have been up to the time of writing this.

It is an organization run by a missionary group. It is well managed. They do not owe their workers.

The greatest challenge however is the state of the economy. The hyperinflation has made paid salary look like a dignified pocket money. It is literally gone before you receive it.

For you to truly survive here as we speak, you should be earning nothing less than 3–4 times of your earnings few years ago. Otherwise, it is a tale of bondage outside the walls of a prison.

As a result, I want to call it quits from 9–5.

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Chinedu V. Onyema
Write A Catalyst

From the influence of intuitive inspiration to the affluence of gracious Grace and to confluence of ideas, I write. "Life would be tragic if it weren't funny."