I Wish Someone Could Read Wet Ayes Empty Hands Questioning Trugths,

Eshal Fatima
Write A Catalyst
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2024

In the silent symphony of human emotions, there exists a profound desire for connection, an unspoken plea for someone to decipher the cryptic language of wet eyes, empty hands, and questioning thoughts. It is a yearning that transcends words, a primal need to be seen and understood in the depths of our vulnerability.

In moments of introspection, when the weight of our thoughts threatens to overwhelm us, we long for someone who can navigate the labyrinth of our minds with empathy and insight. We wish for a companion who can read between the lines of our silence, who can grasp the significance of our hesitant gestures, and who can unravel the tangled threads of our innermost desires.

The journey of self-discovery is often fraught with uncertainty, as we grapple with the complexities of our own existence. We find ourselves caught between the pull of conflicting emotions, torn between the desire to express ourselves and the fear of being misunderstood. In these moments of doubt, our eyes become windows to the soul, reflecting the tumultuous sea of thoughts and feelings that swirl within.

Yet, even as we yearn for someone to decipher the language of our inner world, we are met with the sobering reality of solitude. We discover that the path to understanding is often a solitary one, and that the answers we seek must ultimately come from within. And so, we are left to navigate the labyrinth of our own minds alone, grappling with questions that seem to have no easy answers.

But perhaps therein lies the beauty of our shared humanity — that in our quest for understanding, we are bound together by the universal experience of longing and desire. We may not always find someone who can read the language of our wet eyes and empty hands, but in our shared vulnerability, we discover a common thread that connects us all.

So let us embrace the journey of self-discovery with courage and compassion, knowing that we are not alone in our quest for understanding. Let us be open to the possibility of connection, even in the midst of our solitude, and let us never underestimate the power of empathy to bridge the gap between hearts and minds. For it is in our willingness to truly see and be seen that we find the deepest fulfillment of all.

