I Wrote a Gratitude Journal for 30 Days. Here’s What Happened.

Gotta love life.

Ghulam Rasool
Write A Catalyst
3 min readFeb 4, 2024


Image created using Dall-E by Author

I decided to start a small experiment 30 days ago, which was basically writing down things I was thankful for in a journal, every day.

This idea sounded easy at first, but it turned out to be harder than I thought.

My First Week

Image created using Leonardo.ai by Author

The first week was tough. Life was busy, going to college, then writing online, doing a workout, and doing assignments…

There were many other things to do also…by the end of the day, thinking about what made me grateful felt like just another thing to do.

But I didn't let it go, I started my gratitude journal on 4th January at night, by writing down simple things that happened in my day like having a good cup of coffee in the morning, or a call from a friend, giving to charity, helping any person, or maybe getting a help from someone.

I was just writing down things holding my pen whatever was coming to my mind that made me happy.

Noticing Small Moments

Image created using Leonardo.ai by Author

After writing in my journal for about 5–7 minutes, something clicked in my mind. I started to go deeper and notice small moments throughout my day that I would normally overlook.

A stranger holding the door open for me of a bus, a cloudy sky, or even managing to catch the college bus on time.

These moments really began to mean more to me than before, and looking for them became a highlight of my day.

I Felt a Change

Image created using Leonardo.ai by Author

After 19 days passed through the month, I felt a change in myself, my personality, thoughts, and the perspective of looking at things completely changed. I became much happier, less stressed, and more positive.

Even on the toughest days, when finding things to be grateful for seemed hard to me, doing gratitude journaling at night made me feel better, and made me thankful for the things I never thought of even appreciating them.

I realized that there’s always something good happening in your day, no matter how small, you are just unable to notice it because you tend to focus more on negativity ‘naturally’.

You have to train your mind to start appreciating small things in life and you can easily do that by writing down the simple things that happened in your day that made you happy or even a smile.

It Became My New Habit

Image created using Leonardo.ai by Author

Now, after 30 days, I try to keep my gratitude journal with me most of the time, and it has become a part of my daily routine. It’s something I look forward to.

Appreciating small things in life helps you to see the world from a different angle, and more positively.

This small experiment showed me and will show you too that there’s always something to be thankful for, and that has changed how I see life.

Thank You for Reading

Thank you for your time to read my story. If you’ve ever thought about trying journaling or have your own experiences. Feel free to share in the comments or follow me along for more stories like this :)



Ghulam Rasool
Write A Catalyst

18, I love to write on health, weatlh, relationships, diet, marketing and much more. I hope you fall in love with my words. 🙋‍♂️