If you are not happy, then read this.

In this story, I have described my journey of how I found happiness after enduring one of the toughest times in my life.

Muhammad Saad
Write A Catalyst
3 min readJul 3, 2024


Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

5 years later I was sad sitting in my room, holding my cell phone, a charger connected to it. I was playing PUBG ( A battle royale game).

That time was one of the most comfortable times of my life. I used to get up, go to school, attend classes, come home, and play PUBG, then do work and play PUBG again. Although I was not climbing the stairs of progress, I was not getting somewhere but still I was happy.

There was no tension, no stress, no depression. Everything felt good. At least the sleep was comfortable. The holidays felt like holidays.

As I grew up, time passed, everything changed. Everyone was saying that now you have got mature, try to learn skills, focus on your studies to get a good job. I was stressed. For the first time in life I felt hopelessness. I felt like everything will end if I don't work hard.

My mind was totally changed. I was thinking that If I don't do hard work I will die. My future will end and everyone close to me will leave.

On social media you might have seen that people say if you don't offer a girl more benefits than another boy she will leave you. No, it's not like that. Every girl is not a gold-digger. Most of them have a sense of love and respect. They will be with you in your most difficult times.

My sleep vanished and comfort to me was like a home for the homeless person. I cried a lot. I tried several methods to earn money along with working hard in academics. I didn't get success. I worked hard again and again but failed.

At last I lost the hope. It was one the terrible times that I have ever passed. I was behaving like a mad person. I didn't know what to do. I was in complete stress.

I decided to pray five times a day. I prioritized everything made a path and made a mindset from the begining that I am doing all of this for my self and I don’t want anything in return from it.

Although I didn’t get money but at least I became happy that I am getting somewhere. My time isn’t wasting but passing in getting experience.

I concluded that success, money, and a big bank balance can't bring you happiness unless you cultivate a mindset that finds happiness within them. Happiness is just a state of mind. If you repeatedly tell yourself that you will be happy and focus on finding happiness in small things, you will notice a significant change in your life, as I have. You will find happiness even in the simplest of things, leading to a genuinely happy life where you understand the true meaning of happiness
Reduce your expectations to zero, and give your best.

See you soon.

Good Bye :)



Muhammad Saad
Write A Catalyst

I don't know how to enclose 19 chapters of my life into a short bio, but I do know that I love to write, and I hope so, you love to read.