If You Want To Make Money Online, Think Smaller.

It’s the biggest mistake I see beginners make.

Maya Sayvanova
Write A Catalyst


Image by Canva Pro

I’ve always been a sucker for aiming high.

Going big.

Writing the next great thing online that would become viral, earn thousands of dollars, attract millions of followers and get me a book deal.

Like Julio Gambuto, for example, who wrote a Medium article that was read by 21 million people in 98 countries. He was later approached by a literary agent, which turned into a book deal with one of the top 5 publishers in the world (Simon & Schuster).

Don’t we all want that? The big hit?

We do. Which is why so many beginners never figure out how to actually make money online.

Before you build a big business, build a small business.

Corporations don’t start out as corporations.

And millionaire writers don’t start out as millionaire writers.

Whatever you do right now, you won’t wake up tomorrow and be a Nicolas Cole or a Jessica Wildfire.

Or a Julio Gambuto, whose background is in film. This means he was already a great storyteller before he wrote the article that changed his life.



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