I’m Starting X (twitter) From Scratch

Douglas Lampi
Write A Catalyst
Published in
11 min readJun 20, 2024


ChatGPT Helped Me Create a Four-Stage Strategy

Today, I am starting out on Twitter, or X.

I’ve done Twitter before in the past and it’s just soaked up a bunch of time without giving me any kind of results to look at.

If you have struggled to grow your followers on X — this might be for you.

Medium non-members read here.

Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash

Dan Coe, a man that I really respect, recently reinforced some important principles about Twitter, so I’m determined to give it another try.

➣ This time, I’m going to use artificial intelligence to help me craft a strategy before I begin.

So in this guide, I’m going to walk you through exactly what I learned after having ChatGPT create standard operating procedures from the very best Twitter tutorials on YouTube.

I’ve condensed all of this down into a four-phase plan that I’m going to test on my brand new account.

Watch on YouTube here.

