Immortality Demystified: Reincarnation, The Key to Living Forever.

“History is the present. That’s why every generation writes it anew. But what most people think of as history is its end product, myth." - E.L. Doctorow

Dei Kwasi Bright
Write A Catalyst
8 min readMay 14, 2024


Man’s obsession with immortality is ridiculous. Man’s obsession to conquer death is unquenchable. Why do humans obsses over immortality whilst it’s God who gives everlasting life.

The quest for immortality arises from our subconscious fear of death and man will do anything within his power to conquer it.

So, as an African, I will talk much about my culture and how my people, my African people views reincarnation in this era.

What is Reincarnation in the first Place.

I have always been fascinated by this reincarnation word because many Christians in my culture do not believe in it, but the bible makes it clear that God incarnated here on Earth as Jesus Christ to save the world.

While African religions may have different interpretations of reincarnation, the idea generally represents the belief in spiritual or supernatural beings taking on human form.

This idea is rooted in the fact that, these supernatural beings or spiritual creatures take on human form or occupy people to communicate powers, messages and advice to where it is required or needed.

The African Belief In Reincarnation.

African cosmology reveals and teaches that we reincarnate, but this reincarnation is very clear that it occurs within our own species or race.

Traditional African beliefs or religion frequently recognize that there is the existence of spiritual creatures that can take on the form of human or occupy people in order to communicate powers, messages, and advice.

For this reason when you come to we the Africans in our naming systems, we have some names like Babatunde, Iyantunji, Ababio, etc.

Now, you might be perplexed with these names and their connection to reincarnation.

We know that names are powerful and they contain vibrations that actually work on us humans. Just that we lack the knowledge thereof.

So the name Babatunde which is an African name means father has returned. Iyantunji also means mother reincarnates while Ababio means he has returned.

So viewing from these names and taking the meaning of these names, we can propose that African Belief in reincarnation is solid.

With the concept of reincarnation comes the legacy of building of generational wealth. This idea is rooted in the truth and belief that one might or can return in the next generation, so building generational wealth is a means to save oneself from poverty and hardships in the next generations.

According to an article by Edward Mitole, PhD on reveals that our ancestors did not teach us reincarnation as a trans-species or trans-racial phenomena nor did they teach us a false escape like heaven.

The article further reveals something that I like best. This is what it says “ You were an African- Descendants in your previous life and will again be in your next life. There’s no heaven for you to escape to. You will never escape your Africanness on Earth". It further explains that, it is because of this truth that one must commit to improving his or her race.

African spirituality according to asserts that, the afterlife that we all talk about is manifested through reincarnation. We Africans believe that each and everyone of us will reincarnate at some point in time untill enlightenment is reached. And this enlightenment is a collective enlightenment and not for a single individual.

This feed is explained clearly in the Odu called Irosu Wori. It says, “ Orunmila ni eyin kole sai maa paara ode- aye, titi eyin too fi de ipo rere naa ti Olodumare to yan fun gbogbo eniyan".

The meaning of this is simple. “Orunmila ( Tehuti, deity of wisdom) says, you cannot avoid reincarnating to Earth until you bring about the good condition that Olodumare has ordained for every human being.

It is very clear that in African spirituality, the truly enlightened ones who have passed on are always willing to come back to help others and the human race in it’s evolution towards higher consciousness.

Let’s Talk About the Christian Concept of Reincarnation.

Reincarnation is a concept that has been discussed in the Bible and Christianity, making many of Christ's teachings more realistic. It is not an endless cycle but a cycle determined by a soul's efforts to return consciously and deliberately to its perfect state, the image of God.

This makes many of Christ's teachings more accessible, as they are not only about being blessed and unique but also about working for many lifetimes to achieve their elevated state as the Son of God.

In 1 Kings 19:15-16, Elijah, the great prophet of his time, is directed by God to anoint his disciple Elisha to be prophet after him.

The spirit of Elijah was passed on to Elisha after Elijah had been whisked away to Heaven on a chariot of fire. In 2 Kings 2:15, the spirit of Elijah was passed on to Elisha, who was anointed as an even greater prophet.

At the end of the Old Testament, God says, "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD."

Reincarnation makes the teachings of Jesus more accessible, as it shows that he was not just born with ease and good luck but had to work at it and overcome the suffering of the world.

Jesus reincarnated as John the Baptist to witness for the divine mission of his disciple Elisha. I Prophet Elijah photo from Pinterest

Jesus also honoured John the Baptist as his teacher in a previous life when he came to John to be baptized. In John 1:21, the "priests and Levites" asked John the Baptist "Art thou Elijah?" Jesus was very adamant that he WAS Elijah who was to come again, and he did remember his last life clearly.

Reincarnation is a concept that has been explored in the Bible and Christianity, making many of Christ’s teachings more realistic and accessible.

In Matt 16:14, the text suggests that some Christians had an openly accepted concept of reincarnation, which is a concept that involves returning to one’s original state until perfecting one’s life according to Christ’s teachings.

This concept is supported by Rev 3:12, where God promises to write a pillar in the temple of his God, allowing those who overcome iniquity to stay with Him.

Some Christians view reincarnation as a chance to live in Paradise with God, but this view is more of a sentence, sending us back until we achieve perfection. Jesus' words to a criminal on the cross suggest that accepting Jesus as our Saviour leads to cleansing and blessing.

Proof of Reincarnation.

Egyptian mythology reveals the influence of Ra, a sky-god who spread throughout the country. He is often depicted as a man with a falcon’s head, often combined with Horus.

Ra’s form is often associated with a solar disc with a cobra, representing the Eye of Ra. Ra emerged from the chaos of the universe, creating Shu, the god of air, and Tefnut, the goddess of moisture.

These siblings symbolize life and justice, and Ra believed to have created all forms of life through secret names.

The Sun is the giver of life, controlling the ripening of crops that were worked by man. Because of the life-giving qualities of the Sun, the Egyptians worshipped the Sun as a god.

The Sun-God was the only being in the watery mass of Nun that occupied the universe at the beginning of time, when all was chaos.

The creator of the universe and the giver of life, the Sun or Ra represented life, warmth and growth.

Since the people regarded Ra as a principal god, creator of the universe and the source of life, he had a strong influence on them, which led to him being one of the most worshipped of all the Egyptian gods and even considered King of the Gods.

So now, considering and looking from the Ancient Egyptian mythology, Ra the SunGod was hailed as the King of the Gods.

But we know that from spiritual biology, reincarnation is not simply a spiritual act, but a genetic act according to an article by Edward Mitole and published in

Genetics comes to play in reincarnation because you have to possess close genes to the person you reincarnated to and it’s for this purpose that genes have codes.

According to article published, the gene codes we have serves as an identifier for the spirit to locate their next body after life.

Ra, the SunGod is of African origin and for his any incarnation must dutifully reincarnate as an African per the report form Edward Mitole.

Who is the SunGod in This Lifetime.

It has already been revealed that we reincarnate according to the closeness of our genetic codes. For this reason, Ra who is was an Egyptian god of the sun will probably incarnate in the African race.

Traditionally, according to the culture of the Bono people of Ghana in Africa, a state could not be founded without a queenmother in the olden days, although many states were founded without a king.

As the succession was (and still is) in the female line and as only the maternal ancestors were (and are) venerated, it was very essential that a female of royal blood gave birth to a state.

That is why a queenmother owns a state, as a mother owns a child. The queenmother is always seen as the daughter of the moon by Bonos, who symbolizes the female characteristics of Nyame, the Supreme Being who created the universe by giving birth to the sun (Amowia).

The sun is therefore regarded as the son of the moon and is personified as the Sungod.

The queenmother therefore is represented as the great Mother-Moon-goddess, the king as the Sungod, and the state as the Universe.

Silver represents moonlight as the colour of the queenmother, just as gold, the colour of the sun, represents the king. Perceived from another angle, seven heavenly bodies Moon, Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn rule the heaven.

Seven abusua or matrilineal clans represent them on earth and rule the state (

So therefore, the Bonos see their present King as the SunGod and the Moon as the Mother-Moon- Goddess.

So in conclusion, reincarnation which has been a subject of matter worldwide and drawn my schools of thought is a means by which we humans come back to Earth to achieve our perfection or enlightenment. This is of course achieved through the knowledge of the soul and ones higher self.

Knowing your higher self is knowing God.

Screenshot by Author from Unpublished Book: The Return of the African Gods.

Take Home Message.

This Truth is known to all secret occult elite groups (Freemasons, Brahmans, etc). They only teach the masses the lie that they reincarnate outside of their race so that the masses don’t secure power of their race in the future (

Possibly, We Human RACE Have Lived Forever.



Dei Kwasi Bright
Write A Catalyst

Biochemist, Metaphysicsian, Ancient Spiritual Knowledge And Alchemy. Self development. Human evolution. Consciousness. Mysticism and Psychic.