Improve Your DB Skills: 10 MysqliDB Functions in PHP Development

Yunus Emre Adas
Write A Catalyst
Published in
5 min readJul 20, 2024


10 MysqliDB Functions

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In web development there are many db systems that you can use. I started with php-mysql-phpmyadmin to build web sites. Today I’m using whatever project needs. Somtimes it can be mongoDB, sometimes mariaDB or MySQL. All of them have different features to code.

I always had sympathy to MySQL because it is simple, easy to understand and works fine.

Many PHP developers still use PDO but give a chance to MySQLi. You will like it.

Before we start you need to add framework to your project! MysqliDb

require_once ('MysqliDb.php');

So let’s start with the first function.

1. Connecting to DB

$db = new MysqliDb ('host', 'username', 'password', 'databaseName');

To use MysqliDb you have to connect DB with MysqliDb. This is the most simple way to connect.

💡Hint: Don’t forget to call it in the top file.

2. Insert an Array to DB



Write A Catalyst
Write A Catalyst

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Yunus Emre Adas
Yunus Emre Adas

Written by Yunus Emre Adas

Web Developer, Part-Time blogger, Solopreneur, Tech Lover. Join my journey and find out who we really are.