Is GOD a Mainframe & We are the host servers: Then Who are the USERs?

An Invisible design set-up in which, there are unknown Designer USERS, self-replicating Hosts, connected and controlled by a Master

Praveen Kumar
Write A Catalyst
7 min readMar 1, 2024


The fan creates a humming noise in your computer, along with the hum of the world — sometimes, the line between them blurs. Have you ever wondered if humanity is merely a network of interconnected “Soul” servers, existing within an artificial vast “Infinity” with an Omnipresent Mainframe as “GOD”? But who is the USER of this set-up?

Let’s delve into this intriguing possibility, questioning the very nature of existence’s existence and exploring the potential role of “Users” in shaping human destiny.

Photo by Growtika on Unsplash

Jessica always struggled with questions of different kinds. Her analytical mind often puts layers to logic; faith and knowledge often couldn’t give easy answers for her. But tonight, something felt… slightly more off.

The silence of her apartment was broken only by the insistent hum of her laptop, a not-so-unusual thing to happen but it broke the symphony of the otherwise quiet room.

“Is God a mainframe?” Jessica had typed the question out of sheer boredom and the need for distraction or faint hope of finding some weird clues, yet it lingered on the screen, almost laughing at her.

Her mind spiraled, processing many twisted threads at the same time. In this strange scenario, humans were the host servers — powerful, interconnected, and complex, but lacking ultimate self-control.

“But who,” she whispered, “would be the Users?”

These interlaced questions took on a sharp edge as she considered it further. Her mind bounced back to a podcast she had listened to the other day. Witnesses described flashing lights in the night sky, strange humming noises, and that strange frightening feeling of being watched.

Lives of another kind, Aliens. UFOs. Could these otherworldly visitors (if witnesses had even an iota of truth in their observations) be the Users?

A shiver ran through her. Could they have been testing and experimenting since ever and to facilitate their experiments they have devised this whole world of humanity & GOD? Experimenting on us, analyzing the results, and using that for some purpose?

Or were we just an amusement, a simulation to watch for whatever passed as their entertainment? These unknown beings, with their superior Meta-technology or whatever they might be having, maybe something for which even Technology may not even be a qualified term to address, and might perceive our entire existence as one elaborate observatory system.

Photo by David Monje on Unsplash

Suddenly, every creak in her old apartment building took on a new, diverse meaning. The quiet airflow of the air conditioner felt like an alien machine whirring to life.

Were the Users accessing the mainframe, manipulating its code, and altering lives? Her thoughts ventured deep into the realm overlapping hyperthoughts with fantasy.

Perhaps the rash of bad luck she’d been experiencing wasn’t just chance — maybe her settings were being dialed down with every setback, her virtual existence controlled bit by bit.

An overwhelming feeling of insignificance swept over Jessica. If humans were nothing but components with a seeded capability to process parameters like emotions, sentiments, feelings, memory, and decisions; connected through a massive mainframe, then what is the purpose of the preparators i.e. the USERs?

Where was the line between human consciousness and programmed code getting embedded via the Mainframe by some designers writing and packaging the codes, between a soul and a series of algorithms?

History, she thought pressingly, was filled with individuals who seemed to have an almost unfair brilliance. Plato and Socrates, ‘ philosophical inquiries pushing the boundaries of human thought. Newton and Einstein forever altered our understanding of the universe. Each is a spark of exceptional consciousness, appearing at pivotal moments in history.

Could these be the “upgrade packages” those Users sent, she wondered? Patches to the human host servers through the connected GOD mainframe, injecting new perspectives and ideas? Perhaps even complete system overhauls, like the revolutionary minds of Da Vinci, Galileo, and Tesla, challenged established norms and propelled humanity forward.

Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash

The theory was audacious, but there was some strange point in it. It explained the sudden bursts of genius, the almost impossible unrelated leaps in technology and science. Marx and his radical philosophies, Einstein with his theory of relativity, and Marie Curie’s groundbreaking discoveries in radioactivity — each one a significant alteration to the capabilities of human host servers.

This thought sent excitement through Jessica. If these “Users” were indeed influencing humanity’s progress, then they must be of superior level in everything, at least to a certain extent. They were pushing us, challenging us to evolve, to become more than just pre-programmed machines.

But then came the unsettling questions. Were the Users simply observers, or were they actively manipulating events? Were there also “minor patches,” individuals with fleeting moments of brilliance but ultimately forgotten by history?

And what of the “malware,” the destructive forces that seemed to hinder human progress in history and now also from time to time?

Imagining answers to all the above questions as positive and purely for human benefit Yet the eventual question remains unanswered, What is their ultimate Purpose? Do they want to run a lab, get a multitude of results, and use those for improving or developing back the host servers ie humans or there is some other purpose related to their benefits at the cost of both Humans and GOD?

Photo by Marina Vitale on Unsplash

The questions woke her up from the early state of going to sleep, and she sought refuge in the comfort of regular distractions. She closed her laptop, trying to dissolve her spiraling thoughts.

She put the television on, filling the room with the mindless chatter of late-night talk shows. For a moment, the sheer uselessness of it was appearing to serve some purpose.

But as she looked towards the dark window, the chilling thoughts returned. Somewhere out there, beyond the event horizon of the night sky, did alien Users watch with amused eyes as she made her morning coffee, went about her work, or fell asleep, oblivious to their grand design?

Jessica shuddered. Were they pleased with her performance, or was she on a watch list, a host server destined for reformatting or getting a reboot i.e. …………….?

An uneasiness settled in her as Jessica finally climbed into bed. There were no answers to be found tonight. Sleep embraced her, a welcome respite from the fear of the unknowns swirling in her mind.

Tomorrow, in the cold Sunlight of morning, things would seem less absurd. With that faint hope, she surrendered to the comforting apparent reality of sleep.

She was even thinking on the edge of deep sleep that elsewhere, in dimensions beyond her comprehension, perhaps there were amused clicks and murmurs — reactions to a host server that had, for one brief moment, become self-aware within the mainframe, catching a glimpse of the User activity.

This might have worried the Users as they very well know the distant results of a Host server learning to awaken the consciousness by crossing the boundary of the sub-reality. The consequences of this glitch within the simulation remained to be seen.

Photo by Isabella Fischer on Unsplash

Jessica’s life continued. Days turned into weeks, then months, and the unsettling questions faded into the large storeroom of memory at the back of her mind.

Yet, there was a marathonic shift within her. In subtle ways, she had begun to question the systems around her. News articles felt more like programmed narratives than objective truths. Pop culture seemed to follow a predictable trajectory as if the Users were running out of fresh ideas.

Despite Jessica’s newfound blurred vision of reality, life carried on. Bills needed to be paid, friendships to be nurtured, and dreams to be chased. Even with the new awareness that had been sparked in her, all these life-forward-moving tasks needed to be done.

Whether it was the Users manipulating her or her simply realizing how much of life used to run or still running on predetermined programming, she couldn’t say.

Jessica found a strange sense of freedom in this uncertainty. Perhaps the point wasn’t to break the simulation but to navigate purely within it. To become a host server so realizing, so inclusive of her essence of being an Upgraded human package and so aware, that the Users couldn’t help but take notice.

Maybe one day, she would even get to know the ultimate truth, or maybe not. The thought, once terrifying, now held a strange, thrilling motivation to keep moving and striving in anticipation of finding new avenues of truth.

Hope to hear from you amazing readers & writers and please share comments and feedback from your wonderful repositories of experience.

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Praveen Kumar
Write A Catalyst

An Engineer with artistic thoughts striving to enhance knowledge of past, awareness of present & Idea of future on place, event & people which matter most.