Is The Algorithm Helping Me?

Barbara J. Martin
Write A Catalyst
Published in
2 min readApr 30, 2024


Because I’m consistently earning more

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

I have become happily addicted to this place and am finally doing what I love, writing. This platform is so incredibly fulfilling to me not only as a writer, but as a reader and interacting with so many wonderful people on here.

A year ago I had no idea this platform even existed, and now, here I am!

I joined almost five months ago to the day. Looking back, those first two or three months were pretty much just settling in and figuring this place out. I’d read an article somewhere about how after writing consistently for six months the algorithm will be triggered to promote our work even more.

I was pretty excited to hear that, but wasn’t sure it was true.

But now I’m thinking maybe it is.

I keep a calender and mark each days earnings. I’ve noticed a gradual upward trend, however slight day by day, but it’s there.

Each month I am earning more, and each days earnings are significantly higher than thirty days previous.

Photo by Ibrahim Rifath on Unsplash

Hope that makes sense.



Barbara J. Martin
Write A Catalyst

I live off grid in a small cabin by the ocean in Maine with my two dogs. It's the perfect writer's retreat and love the peace and quiet.